



已有 700 次阅读  2012-03-23 11:47   标签昂立  口译  悼念乔布斯 



昂立英语 http://www.onlycollege.com.cn


Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was among the greatest of American innovators — brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.

sadden 使……悲伤、难过;be saddened to learn of ... 因为获知……而感到悲伤

innovator 创新者;innovation 创新

talented 有天赋的



By building one of the planet’s most successful companies from his garage, he exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity. By making computers personal and putting the internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible, but intuitive and fun. And by turning his talents to storytelling, he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups alike. Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last. Because he did, he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.


ingenuity 独创性,创造力

accessible 可使用的,易接近的

intuitive 直觉的;直观的

transform. 改变,转变(尤指外观或性质的彻底改变)

redefine 重新定义

feat 功绩,伟业



The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented. Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers to Steve’s wife Laurene, his family, and all those who loved him.

visionary 有远见的人 (n.);有远见卓识的 (adj.)

tribute表示敬意或称赞的行动、言语或礼物;常见搭配是pay tribute to sb. 向某人表示敬意

send prayers to sb. 为某人祈祷




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