


concrete combination

已有 462 次阅读  2011-10-14 09:14   标签published  concrete  category  library  science 
journal published the first issue of library science category system ", 1998 HuXian Ai in the library construction of the library science published the second phase of new system, 2002, WangZiZhou detective in the library and information knowledge "the second phase of the published about the library science content system of the discussion paper (www.21blWoolrich Arctic Parkaue.com), all of the library science system of the broad discussion. The appended drawings Figure 7 HuangZongZhong forward library science system 1.3 19 and 20 century nearly 200 years of library science research in the total evaluation system Top us to 19 and 20 century nearly 200 years of library science research system are discussed in tWoolrich Jassenhe system of some representative of library science system is introduced and evaluation, although not necessarily the introduction and comprehensive evaluation, accurate, objective, but after all, is a preliminary view. On the basis of detailed evaluation, we want to nearly 200 years of library science system about some general view. From 19 and 20 ceWoolrich Parkantury nearly 200 years of library science study of library science, system from their own perspective, experience system of library science system in the nineteenth century the time of formation of the 20 th century and library science system development period. From the library science system change content to see from the nineteenth century, the technicWoolrich Onlineal methods to the library as the center, to the 20 th century in theory and technique, the principle and the application or, or abstract and concrete combination of times; From the power distribution to see, the 19 th century in Europe and the United States, the main focus in Germany as the center, the German people, the greatest contribution, most of theWoolrich Jackets 20 th century study center turned to Asia, and Asia in China for center. Of the 20 th century Chinese library science research system appear twice climax, the first wave is 20 s to 30 s, the second wave is 80 s to the 90 s. The two were the most participants in the study period, the most, the largest contribution to the works. From the nineteenth cenWoolrich Outlettury to the 20 th library science research, is that the merit of system from scratch is a, and gradually establish a adapted to the time needed for the development of library science system, by premature to gradually mature, not to gradually perfect by perfect, in order to make the library as an independent discipline, stands on the science of the jungle.Woolrich Arctic Parka

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