


library of library

已有 561 次阅读  2011-10-14 09:11   标签library  content  compare  system  style 
ast system has a great development but compare some new content but have not highlighted, such as more library and the library, the library readers learn future work, computer application, etc. Beijing university library science intelligence department, wuhan university library and information institute of the edited the library science foundation "(revisWoolrich Parkaion. Business press. 1991 version), the book of library science theory into library and application of library science, specialized library science. This system is used ZhouWenJun from overall look at the system, but all kinds of content change, conform to the actual situation of the 90 s. HuangZongZhong of library science, the introduction (wuhan universWoolrich Arctic Parkaity press. 1998 version), the book of library science theory into library and library science and technology application in the third part of the library science (see chart 7). Three points method and dichotomy comparison, three points more of a "special library science". "Specialized library science" dichotomy of "theory from the library science" or Woolrich Outlet"application in library science" of independence. The third type is four method, that of library science is divided into general library and specialized library and application of library science library science, comparison, or of library science theory, specialized library and application of library science, the comparison of library science. Wu gentWoolrich Onlineleness, ShaoWei of comfort, an introduction to the library science (bibliography press, 1985 edition) put forward a book four method of library science system, the library science into common library and specialized library and application of library science library science, is four parts. The average library of library science theory, the study into the Woolrich Jassenlibrary enterprise construction principle, library business organization and management system, the library network theory and practice, the library work principle and mechanism, the study of education (www.21blue.com) (www.21blue.com), library business history, the future research library, the library of the property, function and status of library scienWoolrich Jacketsce research, planning, library science development. Special library science into public library research, university library research, science professional library research, children's library research, other types of library research. Application of library science is divided into the library books, the catalogue in the library, the library reader servicWoolrich Arctic Parkae

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