


world of warcraft gold

已有 1647 次阅读  2009-09-18 08:32   标签warcraft  gold  world 
world of warcraft gold
Gruul is the huge Gronn overlord that makes his home in the Blade's Edge Mountains. You will have seen his sons throughout the ugg zone previously. In addition to Gruul, the raid houses the High King Maulgar, king of the Ogres. When you fight the King you must also fight his high counsel.
Both of the bosses here drop tokens for the tier 4 raid set. The tokens are each redeemable for the Tier 4 leg or shoulder piece of you choice.
Trash MOBs
There are very few trash MOBs in the raid instance. There are three MOBs before the High King Maulgar (a group of 2 and a single) and four pulls of groups before Gruul.
The MOBs are on 1 hour spawn timers. The ones leading to the High Kill will stop spawning once he has been killed. Once Gruul is down no more MOBs will spawn until the instance resets.
The MOBs will be either Gronn-Priests or Lair Brutes randomly. Therefore in a 2 MOB group you could have 2 healers or 2 melee wow gold
wow gold to deal with or 1 of each.
Gronn-Priest - As the name implies these MOBs are healers. They have several abilities and an immunity to Silence.
Heal - A huge heal that can restore up to 50% of their health. This heal can and must be interrupted. If you let the priest continually get this heal cast, you will wipe due to lack of mana on your healers and casters.
Psychic Scream - This is the same as a normal priests spell of the same name, it sends everyone running.
Renew - A powerful heal over time ability that heals them for up to 10,000 health per second. It can be spell stolen by a mage,buy wow gold, and can be dispelled.
Lair Brute - As the name implies these MOBs are melee warriors.
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Charge - He targets and charges a random character outside of 10 yards. While he does this he also clears his aggro table. If you have everyone within the 10 yards then he will not use this ability.
Cleave - Similar to the world of warcraft gold ,wow gold;warrior ability, hits everyone in the front 180 degrees. Can hit for 4500 - 7000 damage. Everyone should remain behind them so they are not hit.
Mortal Strike - A powerful melee strike that hits for up to 7000 on a well equipped tank.
Call For Help - When he is near death he can call for assistance from nearby MOBs. It has a huge radius so they must be pulled far from other groups.
Suggested Group The Gruul encounter wow ,world of warcraft gold;gold heavily favors ranged DPS, and the High King fight does to a degree as well. Therefore a raid group a little range heavy is best.
Start with the following ideal and adjust as needed:
Main Tank
2x Off Tanks
7x Healers
2x Warlocks
2x Mages
4x Hunters (for misdirects)
2x Utility Classes (Paladin, Shaman, Druid)
7x DPS classes
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